Introducing : Bus stop Yamimori(やみ森バス停) Developer Diary
2024.11.24 18:23 Edit
Bus stop Yamimori(やみ森バス停) is exit 8 like horror game. (SFW)
Player must escape from endless loop of bus stop in countryside of japan.
Player will have to learn how to deal with the threats by trial and errors.
Player Character :
Ritsuki(律希 / りつき)
a poor innocent child who stranded in boundary of the realm between human world and dead.
Player's goal is break the loop and escape from this bus stop while run or hide from many ghost and Yokais
Run and Hide
Game will start at time of late evening.
then as game progress, darkness will be thicker and rain will pour more.
Player will lose more and more stamina because of coldness.
Demo version have 7 Hostile Yokais and 3 Non-hostile.
My goal is make 21 Hostile Yokais in total release it as SFW version on steam/DLsite/etc
then make NSFW version(which is pretty much same game but story of 16 years after with NSFW contents in)
Q: What happened to your previous project? Dungeon Sanctuary?
A: First of all, I'm so sorry for the delay of Dungeon Sanctuary release.
Please allow me explain the current situation.
I, Sourjelly and FJLM, the programmer has long conflict of opinion during this year.
To be more precise, this opinion confliction was stayed in parallels line since the 2022.
On the surface of confliction was revenue share, but it wasn't the main problem.
Programmer and I knows that we choose this path because we loved making NSFW game.
this unsolvable problem remained as pile of unkindled gunpowder
Then the problem erupted.
It was while team was discussing about contents optimization.
One suggested to remove the content for faster development, other one was refused.
Both agreed each other's opinion is right.
"We need to cut more content to release the project faster"
"Do you know how much hours I spent to make this one?"
"I know because I worked with you as well"
"I can't remove this because if we remove it, the game will become just blend crappy game"
"I know, but isn't that better than we slowly dying like a fish out of water?"
"We must decide ASAP"
"Would you just work faster? then everything will solved"
"I'm already completely full hand. Do you want me hire more member?"
"We don't have money to hire more member, just work faster"
"I'm already doing my best, I can't work any faster"
...and that's how this new project was born.
Dungeon Sanctuary Project Progress is about 60~65% done - There's still unfinished function that I must work on.
such as H scene for heroine, unfinished last region..
Right now I'm working on both Dungeon Sanctuary and Bus stop Yamimori, but more focused on Bus stop to fast release.
Q: Why are you taking so long on making Dungeon Sanctuary?
A: Mostly because of debugging.
fixing bugs, finding bugs, fix one, another pop up, massive already fixed bugs show up again after the update etcetera etcetera...
It was mistake that I decide to make top view action. I made a pie too big, bigger than I could bite.
Q: Any news for Anthophobia 2?
A: I'm going to reuse the Background assets I made for Bus stop Yamimori for Anthophobi 2 background asset.
so Bus stop Yamimori is pretty much the preperation of Anthophobia 2 as well.
Q: Why don't you just make Anthophobia 2 instead of Bus Stop Yamimori?
A: Because I wanted to make Anthophobia 2 with more weapons variation and costume system, inventory management.
I wanted to add the stuff that I learned from Dungeon sanctuary but better, optimized version.
to do that, making time could cost at least the dungeon sanctaury took, that's not good.
I needed to project that can be done much faster.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this Demo, and Please share your thought on the post.
Since I was away from blog for very long, it'll take some time for me to reply on every comment.
Please allow me some time.
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Adding new weapons was a question that I brought up a long while ago, you said something to the effect of not having the budget for it. I don't mind the budgetary issues and know that if you develop such an interesting premise as with Bus Stop Yamamori; I'll be there to play this game when it comes out. Don't worry about when the game gets developed or when it gets released, please relax a bit.
I have to say that a sequel to Anthophobia would be an amazing prospect, I'd love something like that. Anthophobia 2 has inhabited my dreams since the day I played the first game, I'm purely invested in what you can do with the sequel.
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Introducing : Dungeon Sanctuary Developer Diary
2021.11.22 15:36 Edit
Dungeon Sanctuary is fantasy based action game with little bit of RPG and survival elements.
Player will play as a "Slime" who are living in deserted area in dungeon 3rd floor.
Main goal of game is save a injured heroine who fall from sky, and make a home for living.
Make a "Sanctuary" for their happy life.
[Click this image to download game]
This is early alpha build in development.
Final build will be different compared to this version.
Please let me know if you have a question!
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I'm glad to see you are creating a new game again.
But I have a questions about this EA project.
What can I do with the heroine? I can play as a "Slime" to get some grass,meat and potion,but i don't know how to use it with heroine.I press "E"key with she and press "cooking","medical" button,there are new interface but i can do nothing or
I can't see the feedback of the press operation(in "medical" interface, i try to press sonm potion icon but nothing happend).
Did i have some mistake?
いいゲームができますように。 -
Hello yyz! Thank you for comment. This is very early version of Dungeon sanctuary project.
Currently there's not much stuff you can interact with heroine because those functions are still in development.
The main purpose of this build is combat testing.
You can leave starting area by exiting to south then you can explore the north side of dungeon.
There are at least 5 type of minion type monsters and one boss character you can fight in this version.
こんにちはyyzさん! コメントありがとうございます。 これは[Dungeon Sanctuary]の非常に初期のバージョンです。 ヒロインとの相互作用は、現在未完成の関係で、正常に動作しません。
このバージョンでは、少なくとも5種類のミニオンタイプのモンスターと1種類のボスキャラクターが戦うことができます。 -
Thanks. I played a little bit. Combat is simple and fun. It's not sensational but typically well accepted type of battle system. But I think ambigousness from some things like damage from touching boundary of monsters are not good. Because some particles or mosters(especially big ones?) have obscure hit box, unexpectedly damaged situation comes and it made me confused. I understand it is just alpha but I couldn't understand some situation like 'the reaper icon' and combat against it. Though it is early version of the game, I wish you to give a text to inform what you have in purpose. The reaper is appearing infinitely and reaper icon just came across the icon of the girl. I just stuck at the situation because the world is completly gone dark and reaper's chase is not going to be ended. Reaper's hit box is weird to make others confused. I think basic play style is good enough and I wish some upgrades could be possible later.
You enjoy the Studio Kannazuki's beautiful song on Youtube. here's the link :D
Also you can purchase it through the DLsite :D -
Hello Watch, You can unlock pixel animation gallery once you defeat the boss monsters in game.
Once you defeat boss 1/2/3 at chapter 1/2/3, V1.00 gallery will be unlocked, then once you defeat the boss monster of chapter 1.5/2.5/3.5, V1.50 gallery will be unlocked, then once you defeat boss of chapter 4 and 5, the final version of H replay gallery will be unlocked
if that is too much, you can always use cheat code to defeat the bosses easily.
also this game encourages you to use cheat code by awarding player an achievement. -
I like the concept, playing as a slime, and the minimal guidance. The GIF guide file is cute, but could it be inside the game instead of a separate file? This is just an idea, but can you make a tutorial stage to introduce the player to the game elements, such as movement, combat, inventory, survival HUD (hunger and thrist meters), the mana/stamina bars, etc. You could make the tutorial stage like a prequel to the story, like how the slime made its home inside the well, and when the tutorial is finished, the main story starts and the heroine fell into the well.
but,by playing your anthophobia,I appeared a question in this game 通过游玩你的上一个游戏,我有一个问题,is it good to beat the meat?(In fact,anthophopia is too.......hard to do that,although,generally speaking it,is still great)(我也不知道我这句话翻译的对不对)I know you want to create a game which is easy to accept by Japanese(我又感觉我翻译错了)(Don‘t you?you even draw a Kirisame Marisa 。。。’)so this game have a lot of Barrage element(你能明白我的意思吗?)So!!!just 。。。。。。emmmmmmmmmm refer?
Unfortunately, Mac don't allow the NSFW games literally.
Most of NSFW games work on Mac are product that bypassed Mac's blocking by exporting in HTML5.
but I don't have license for that. I do have license for GMS1 engine, but that mean I have to downgrade Anthophobia from GMS2 to GMS1.
so it's completely unplanned... I'm so sorry.
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Anthophobia is now available on steam! Developer Diary
2020.02.28 03:13 Edit
Anthophobia Steamバージョンがリリースされました。
Thank you for the waiting everyone.
Please let me know if you found any bug.
Known Issue : Glow stick won't disappearing after using of pause function.
Uncensoring patch for V2.00 : [Link]
Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]
Q: How to access V2.00 Area?
A: You must find 9 gold cards from Chapter 1/2/3/1.5/2.5/3.5
A:Chapter 1/2/3 / 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.5から9枚のゴールドカードを見つけなければなりません
Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略)
Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it!
[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]
You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!
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The sound cuts out in h-replay when the animation is on repeat and the zoom isn't centered for the blue celing zombie, don't know how it's called.
That's the bugs i found so far.
Edit: Boss 3B in h-replay doesn't play the 2nd part of the game over screen unless the first part is put on repeat first for a couple of seconds -
Oh, Once you deleted save, H-replay will not show because your save is no longer exist.
I would recommend you download other people's save file, or use cheat code and kill every bosses in lightning speed XD
Also regarding the patreon case, please send me a message to me through Patreon.
I can help you with patreon issue. -
Hello,a player from China.And one thing really make me upset.Why we can't save the girls who were caught by the monsters? In stage 1,the first time I met the monsters(the kind when you approach it will roar to attract zombie and transform into a flower)I tried everting that I can use,the steel tube,the pistol,even the Molotov.But they all don't work.I'm really sad:( By the way,the epidemic about COVID-19 is serious now in America,take care!!!protect youerself.wish you have a good day
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Anthophobia is finally passed Steam review Developer Diary
2020.02.16 09:27 Edit
Thank you for the waiting everyone and I'm really sorry for taking so long.
I didn't expect reviewing will take this long X_X;;
Release date will be Feb 28 12am PST
Steam Versionの 発売日は2月28日午前12時(PST)です
Also, there going to be update for Anthophobia. (Update release date :TBA)
This is not major content update, It's Something not very nessasery.
This is just for my personally satisfaction.
All basic moveset animation will be remade
(###########Not H animation!!!############)
(########### Hアニメーションではありません!!! ############)
but I can't guarrenty the actual update release date since I'm working on new project as well.
Personally I wish I can remake the cutscenes of Chapter 1,2,3 area too, but that'll take hell amount of work, so I'll think about that after I finish the animation remake.
Q: I like the original animation. Will you give me an option to switch between original and remake version?
A: that's My main goal for this update.
Q:オリジナルのアニメーションが好きです。 オリジナルバージョンとリメイクバージョンを切り替えるオプションを教えてください。
Uncensoring patch for V2.00 : [Link]
Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]
Q: How to access V2.00 Area?
A: You must find 9 gold cards from Chapter 1/2/3/1.5/2.5/3.5
A:Chapter 1/2/3 / 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.5から9枚のゴールドカードを見つけなければなりません
Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略)
Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it!
[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]
You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!
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Also, just to help you out with your English a bit, try this as the Steam blurb for the game...
Anthophobia is a side-scrolling action survival horror. In the wake of a global plant-based pandemic, the protagonist has kept hidden in her apartment for three months. Now that her water supplies have run dry, it is time to brave the floral armageddon and seek new shelter. -
Hello Jelly, really glad to see Anthophobia make it on to Steam finally! Congrats! Really looking forward to the new animations being added in and wish you the best of luck on your new project, can't wait to see some more of it! I really want to exclaim my feelings about Anthophobia here on this page but I think I'll save it for either Twitter or a positive review on Steam.
However I will say this - I like the idea of this world where humans become walking plants and sex is a priority for them as 'zombies'. It made me think how flowers would act if they were capable of moving on their own. I'm really interested in the idea how this virus effects a person as well and thought up some theories - for example, does the infection make their bodies so hot that they need to strip, or is it that clothes make them feel like they're suffocating? Heck, maybe it's something like the infected expel fluids that burns clothes or maybe they just pull the clothes off while thinking "I need to mate, these clothes are in the way"! ahh, sorry i've put too much thought into this! Please excuse me if I've gone too far with these thoughts.
Really need to get through all the secret levels before I say anymore tho', lol. Only just made it to 2 1/2 and having a difficult time. Anyway, once again - I'm really glad the game made it and really enjoying my time with it. -
Hello Bee, Thank you so much for the comment! I'm so sorry for the late response X_X the answer of question is this : infection causing itchiness all over the victim's body and makes victim strip by himself. that's why clothings are everywhere on the map (well in game protagonist wears only one type of clothing, that's because of limitation of my work. she should've wear all sort of outfits if it was real...)
Hello, your work has made great progress. It would be great if you could add the content of rescuing the girl,
I feel that the heroine of this game can only escape by herself. I think it can be like a Resident Evil.
To be able to save some victims, the rescued girl will also give you gifts,
Like bullets, or other supplies. This is more of a sense of achievement.
In addition, I am an author of Chinese games,
Due to the legal provisions of our country, pornographic content cannot be spread,
So I can only make ordinary games. It's a pity.
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Happy new year everyone. Notifications
2020.01.01 11:27 Edit
Hello everyone, How are you? It's been awhile.
みなさんこんにちは、元気ですか? しばらく経ちました。
Today, I would like to introduce a new project, and want to explain why steam release is delaying so much
今日は、新しいプロジェクトを紹介したいと思います。そしてSteam Versionの発売がなぜ遅れれるのか話したいです。
First of all, this is the new project title:
It'll be top down view action RPG.
Top down view action RPGです。
I'll add more detail information once development progress.
Regarding the delay of steam release :
Steam version発売の遅延について:
I'm really sorry about the delay, I've been very sick during fall~winter season last year, so I couldn't working on Steam release during that time.
So I've tried to release through steam as fast as possible.....but the steam release was complicate than I expected.
perhaps, I should share these information for everyone, especially for newly started NSFW game developers.
Don't make every asset NSFW :
すべてのリソースを+ R18に作らないでください。
Since Anthophobia was developed for DLsite release, I didn't have to worry about NSFW content filtering.
so I made every asset NSFW, even background tiles.
and this is where I had real trouble.
Anthophobiaは、DLsiteから販売を目的に作られているので、背景のリソースを含むすべてのコンテンツが + R18で製作されました。
Steam wants you SFW screenshots even if your project is NSFW game. You need at least 4 of them.
I had to search really hard make "SFW" Plus "something interesting" since these screenshots will be used for marketing.
I had to draw a new SFW illustration just for background wall paper for steam market too.
Currently I'm waiting for steam review team's response.
it's been almost three weeks, but no response from steam team right now.
well. they might be busy with other product tho..X_X;
現在、私はSteam Reviewチームの答えを待っている。
クリスマスと新年が重なって忙しいことでしょうか。 X_X
Anyway, I'll upload more information once I receive the good news from steam.
Again, I'm really sorry for the delay.
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Chinese Translation:
总之,我一旦接到Steam的好消息会立刻发布的,再次为发行的延迟表示真挚的歉意。 -
may i ask about ur new project
is it going to be boring turned based RPG game with a lot of text and no gameplay :( (God please don't do it)
may i suggest something... u are already good at what u have done (anthophopia) so pls do something like it; a masterpiece, unique and exciting.
i wont forget how i felt when i played anthophopia for the 1st time. -
Steam once banned pornographic games, especially Japanese style games and the games of underage children h. After all, these contents may violate the laws of the United States, and steam may withdraw your games.
If the game author doesn't make too many pornographic games, he will get the support of many game platforms.
Including: epic, wegame, steam, Gog