Demo updates Download Demo
2015.07.11 13:20 Edit
Changes :
1. New monster - Match maker added
2. Tutorial map added
3. Test Radio for the dialogue added(still in testing)
4. MUCH MUCH Optimization
5. Ladder teleport glitch fixed
6. Door though glitch fixed
7. Monsters won't die and repeat damaged motion glitch fixed
Next demo update plan :
Main goal :
1. Add female zombie
2. Add strip action
3. Add the Dialogue for the story
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Comments 58
Sometime between the last version I played and this one, the combat system changed a little, and I'm not a huge fan. When you start hitting a zombie, the game will ignore a closer enemy in favor of hitting the one you've been battling, which makes certain areas incredibly difficult. I thought the earlier system, where you could hit a whole bunch of zombies at once with the pipe, was a little too easy, but this new one is a little too hard. There are places where you literally cannot shoot or swing the pipe quickly enough to kill the enemies before they can hit you--like the area just through the crack in the wall after the first hypno-plant. The two zombies there are so close, there's no way to defeat them without taking damage, since you can't hit them both at once nor will the targeting hit the closest one with the pipe. :/ Hope that made sense!
About that place, actually- you can ether shoot the lamp or throw the Molotov to blow the barrel up to remove the barricades instantly, then run through. Monsters don't give you anything even if you kill them all, so you don't need to kill the all monsters. plus, If you play nukige mode, hypno plant's hypnotic spore duration will become 1/2. :D
In that case, how can you purchase it?