Demo version update log Download Demo
2015.03.22 13:59 Edit
Here's the New version of the Demo(not WIP), this file contains chapter
Changes : Optimization, Easy mode test version, Light effect option,
broken V-sync function fixed,
taking damage no longer flips your direction.
Note : Right now the Easy mode only functions as incoming damage reducer.
It's test mode, incomplete.
I'm having a little trouble with my blog,
so I'll just upload my game on patreon and steamy.
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Comments 12
1. really? I haven't seen one for while, I'll check that out.
2. Right now the [Easy mode] is not functioning well, only work as damage reducer. it's test mode. I will fix it.
3. Don't worry the map design will remain as simple. it will not become complicate more than this.
4. Sadly, This game designed for limited HP, I can't add them.
5. I like that Idea, but my programmer hates that Idea T_T
6. already in game in WIP product. just not in the Demo.
7. I'm sorry. I may add a shortcut or add more check point, but I can't change the save system.
What part of the game annoyed you most? explanation
Clip count has no contrast in certain rooms, and can be invisible
There's 2 glitches with standard zombies I've run into, one where zombie is stuck in a looping hit-stunned animation, another where collision detection disappears for my attacks on a zombie, but it can still hit me. (for the later, may be caused by hitting a "stack" of zombies)
Health pickups are not optional, and are used on contact, rather than leaving them until needed.
Perhaps intentional, but nevertheless annoying that IFrames don't seem to affect pollen/spores.
Clip count goes Invisible, checked.Thank you for the information!
and about zombie looping animation, currently we are looking for the solution @_@)a
and about stacked zombie; I purposely designed it that way(way you can hit only one monster)
since the running away or use hand gun is better solution, the melee fight in this game is like a last solution when you really got nothing on your hand
(No Bullets, No Molotov, Naked) You have many way to conserve your ammo.
for example, shoot one bullet on normal zombie then melee him will kill normal zombie without giving him chance to counter attack.
There is still a glitch where some zombies "start" a death animation and keep repeating it (like their spazing in 1 spot).
Easy mode still seems a bit rough, the plants/running zombie guy still drain a ton of hp
Encountered a bug where gun shots go through a zombie for some reason which can still hit the player. It happened with the zombies near the very first plant you encounter.
Would be nice to have some "key" indicator maybe (unless the levels are staying small/doors close)
Maybe Hp regen slowly in easy mode and less hits to kill zombies
Maybe a zoom option when being raped by something?
A "view sprite animation" in gallery
Maybe a save point you can press the up arrow on to manually save, instead of the random location saves.