Happy new year everyone. Notifications

Hello everyone, How are you? It's been awhile.

みなさんこんにちは、元気ですか? しばらく経ちました。


Today, I would like to introduce a new project, and want to explain why steam release is delaying so much


今日は、新しいプロジェクトを紹介したいと思います。そしてSteam Versionの発売がなぜ遅れれるのか話したいです。


First of all, this is the new project title:


Game title_light.png

It'll be top down view action RPG.

Top down view action RPGです。


I'll add more detail information once development progress.




spr_slime_hand wave.gif


Regarding the delay of steam release :

Steam version発売の遅延について:


I'm really sorry about the delay, I've been very sick during fall~winter season last year, so I couldn't working on Steam release during that time. 



So  I've tried to release through steam as fast as possible.....but the steam release was complicate than I expected.



perhaps, I should share these information for everyone, especially for newly started NSFW game developers.



Don't make every asset NSFW :

すべてのリソースを+ R18に作らないでください。


Since Anthophobia was developed for DLsite release, I didn't have to worry about NSFW content filtering.

so I made every asset NSFW, even background tiles.

and this is where I had real trouble.


Anthophobiaは、DLsiteから販売を目的に作られているので、背景のリソースを含むすべてのコンテンツが + R18で製作されました。




Steam wants you SFW screenshots even if your project is NSFW game. You need at least 4 of them.

I had to search really hard make "SFW" Plus "something interesting" since these screenshots will be used for marketing.


I had to draw a new SFW illustration just for background wall paper for steam market too.








Currently I'm waiting for steam review team's response.

it's been almost three weeks, but no response from steam team right now.


well. they might be busy with other product tho..X_X;


現在、私はSteam Reviewチームの答えを待っている。


クリスマスと新年が重なって忙しいことでしょうか。 X_X



Anyway, I'll upload more information once I receive the good news from steam.

Again, I'm really sorry for the delay.





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