Gameplay Video Play Video
2015.11.14 10:12 Edit
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안녕하세요, 만나서 반갑습니다. 불행히도 무슨 말씀을 하고 싶으신건지 이해가 안되네요. 번역기가 뭔가 잘못 작동한듯 싶습니다.
Hi, Nice to meet you. Unfortunately I quite don't understand what you meant. Seems like the translator messed something up.
하지만 유튜브에 플레이 비디오를 업로드 하는 것에 대해 질문하시는 거라면, 하셔도 좋습니다. 감사합니다. :D
but if you are asking me about the play video upload on the Youtube, yes you can. Thank you. :D
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Wrapping up.... Developer Diary
2015.11.02 17:26 Edit
right now I'm wrapping the stuff up so I can release the game soon.
Currently Doing :
1. Censoring
2. Talking with curious factory
3. etc...
I hope I can publish my game before the end of Nov :3
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I don't mind a lot of enemies in one room, but once they begin spawning on all sides the game becomes impossible to progress. I liked to challenge myself to keep the zombie girl with me the entire time, so the room leading to the first boss was impossible to do so. there is a glitch when hit with the spores in close proximity to the spore zombie that you will walk straight past him. my suggestion is to, while under the spore effect, allow anything to h the player immediately. to make this fair, slightly highlight the spores and allow them to be hit out of the air. it is your game to make choices though.
I uh... got confused and accidentally passworded my comment I think. Here's what I was trying to say. Ahem... ^_^;
"Just on the side, since that other comment mentioned it, have you ever considered giving the spores a subtle glow of some kind? Or otherwise making them a little more visible in the dark? That's one small thing that I do find a bit frustrating about the spore shooters. Simply that half the time their spores are floating around above you in the dark, and thus are a real pain to even try to evade even when there are no other enemies around." -
Don't worry, There's always solutions for dealing with this spore shooter.
let me give you some hints for dealing with this guys
1. He's incredibly weak against melee when he's all alone : you can stunlock him without any worries.
2. Spore shooter don't shoot out his spore when his target is right front of him.
-stick near the spore shooter will make him into sandbag
3. You can simply run pass through him even if you are naked.
-just run towards him, hit him with pipe, then run through!
4. When there are too many of this guy, don't fight. run through. unless you have molotov
5. if you see the lamp right above him, shoot it. it'll burn him into ashes
6. Don't fight against horde. lure them or run pass through if that is possible.
7. if you have female zombie with you, try throw glowstick on the spore shooter,
and stayaway from female zombie. female zombie will take care of him. :3
Leave Comments is currently on going 20% point reward event(OCT28 - Nov 4th) ETC
2015.10.30 07:28 Edit
If you are DLsite user, now is good time to buy good doujin product such as Manga/Voice drama/Games/Resources.
so why not try?
Kyrieru updated his Pixel drawing Tutorial :
2. Basic character/sprite shapes.
Always great stuff!
I found a awesome artist with great inspiration
dat dick pumping plant.... lol, cool concept
Damn, I should've visit his blog earlier. X3
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:: Demo Updates [ver. 0982] :: Download Demo
2015.10.11 08:55 Edit
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This is machine translation. I'm sorry if incomprehensible
Because I found it an animation having been improved again by a sad thing, I report it for the time being
It is different from it, when will the implementation after stage 2 be?
Please tell me without a problem -
Hello there!!
Hey, i~ve some things to ask..
1- about the will, in the final product, revamp the images of that intro to have at least the same good quality of the game over screens? (that images seems to be outdated an much OFF compared with the other ilustrations of the game :) )
2-What you think in revamp the icons of the weapons (pipe, pistol, the ammo magazine, the glowstick) to fit better with the HUD? i liked very much what you have done with the keys and gasoline can!! you can make these weapon icons with the same size!!! -
It may sound insane but I don't like kimochi. So right now, as far as I can guess, patreon $10+ pledge is the only way to (maybe) get an uncensored version. Assuming I go to patreon, will I get updates and bugfixes after subbing for only 1 month? Will there be a paypal or amazon payments alternative with access to updates?
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:: Demo Updates [ver. 0981] :: Developer Diary
2015.10.10 18:12 Edit
Change Log :
1. Female zombie now can hold 3 normal zombies
2. Female zombie now react to spore shooter
(Programmer said he DID add it. but well, he must be sleep typing while he was working on this version)
(anyway, I'm really sorry about missing contents, I'll fix this as soon as possible!)
3. cloth item causing BGM stop glitch fixed
4. Gamepad now support the analog stick
5. "UP"key is no longer in use for "use" item.
6. Now player can cancel the Reload action.
7. Easy mode became REALLY EASY
8. During Easy mode, Having H with female zombie will recover the protagonist's HP
P.S. Music pls :>
P.S.S. After the release game you'll add new content?