Control Guide Developer Diary

User Guide.gif


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##Continue button is malfunction right now.##
in order to continue, you have to kill your character from very beginning then select [YES]

I'll upload glitch fixed ver. soon(Probably tomorrow 12/20/14 12pm EST);
so I would recommend download glitch fixed ver.

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We're sorry took so long. And here's the Anthophobia Beta ver. Download Demo

Here's Download Link

Known glitch :

1. Alt + tab makes character won't recover stamina. so I would recommend not to use Alt+tab.

-(Partly fixed, will be added on next ver.)

2. Sometime monster won't die and repeat "damaged" motion

-(Fixed? but still need test. will be added on next ver.)

3. Some monster H anime don't make H voice!!

- because I didn't put it yet D: sorry.

4. Taking clothe while prepare jump cause infinite squat motion and stuck forever.

-(Fixed, will be added on next ver.)

5. Boss room check point

-(Well, it's not a glitch but I will add check point anyway)

6.Boss monster's 2nd minion won't make damage on heroin


7. Seeds Animation overlapping?

-Never had this problem so we are keep testing out right now

8. Continue malfunction

-FJLM : Da Flappy bird sake why didn't you tell me about it?!

-Jelly : I didn't know D:

-FJLM : !$)(@#@!()@!(#()U$ anyway, I'm gonna fix it!

How long?

Stage 1 -> boss

Key setting

Z - Attack

X - Jump

C - Toggle Melee/Handgun

D - Force reload

G - Molotov

Shift - Run

Enjoy :)

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What we are doing right now... Developer Diary

 Balancing stage, debugging - FJLM

finishing H-anime - Jelly


Jelly : one thing makes me regret - I should've finish H-pixel anime first then make next one.

I finished bunch of monsters and now i have to finish this tons of H-anime -

argh, gives me a headache;

well, I have no choice. haha

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sneak peek Developer Diary

Standing.gif grabber plant Idle.gifnoise_chaser_shade.gif


FDT_ Ground_Idle.gifFCT_ falling.gifspr_DT_idle_shade.gifspr_stalker_body_before_battle.gif


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doodle Developer Diary



well, CGs done. now I'm focusing on H-pixel-anime.

hmmm hmm


love H anime.


FJLM : When every time I look on your drawing, it give me a big question mark.

Jelly : huh?

FJLM : You see, when I look on your sketches, it's not that bad. I mean, looks good. but..

Jelly : but what?

FJLM : but once you line and colored it, somehow-

Jelly : ......

FJLM : Kinda-

Jelly : Okay, that's enough.

FJLM : you know.

Jelly : oTL

FJLM : Sorry.


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