I started patreon. Developer Diary

First of all, I must apology to everyone who visiting this blog.

I'm sorry, for all of you. I've been said I'm alright I can make it, or I will work hard to make it. 

but truth is I'm not alright.

I was just pretending alright. I was just keep trying, struggling.

I had one tiny useless pride.

I just couldn't show my product to anyone unless I finish the project.

I thought showing unfinished stuff is "shameful"

So I took so much effort on the demo, originally I didn't want to show the demo as well.

FJLM Persuaded me to show the demo.

Then I was so happy when there were many visitors came here and gave us feedback.

but the pressure, I had a pressure that I must finish this project ASAP.

I was obsessed with finishing the project. try hard, but that didn't go well.

I had a job for real life, because of that I had limited amount of time.

No matter how hard I tried, the wall of reality was too high to me.

Recently I got fired from my job since the store owner changed

The previous store owner want me to move to the other place and work for him, but I refused.

If I move my place, that cost me extra and I will be separated with my project team.

Then I had to admit the reality.

I've been refusing the donations and extra help because of stupid pride,

Now it's time for me to choose my own path. get a new job and drag the project slower or ask for help.

I and FJLM talked about it for a long time. and today, I finally decide what to do.

I must thanks to YepName. Your little push helped me lot to start this campaign.

Without you, I probably choose the worst way. Thank you.

- Sourjelly

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More images Developer Diary

stage 2_00.png

stage 2_02.png

stage 3_05.png

stage 2_06.png


I'm proving that I'm not dead yet T_T

Gotta work hard

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Opening and Background Story ETC



























It's been 3 months since the outbreak.


Mankind has been destroyed by unknown infection.


No one ever figured out when, or what kind thing attacked humanity.



Just like flipping a card, over 45% of humanity literally TURNED INTO monsters in FIRST DAY of the outbreak.

99.9% of the rest had same fate after A MONTH.


The symptoms of infection found from women, A month earlier than men.

Then after a month, men had same fate just like women had.


The host shown following symptom :


- First level



- Second level (DAY ONE)

1. Become UV sensitive (itch while wearing cloth, feel incredible heat under the sunlight)

2. Hair colors changes to different color from the original color(most likely green)

3. Eye pupil turns into red color

4. One or two flowers can be found from all over the body (Only women)

5. Feel little tired during night

6. Conscious fades away if the host look into the direct UV light

7. Slowly lose intelligence


- Third level (IN 24 HOUR)

1. The host feels the strong mating instinct

2. Green body, and grown leaves from body work as plants do photosynthesis.

3. the host become stronger, faster during under the daylight

4. if the host successfully mated with other host, their body merges and become a huge flower, or tree.


- Fourth level (???)

1. If the host failed to find his partner, then the host starts mutate his body to find or lure his partner.

2. at this moment, the host lose his human shape and become something.... not a human

3. Flowers can be found from all over the body (Men)



Our protagonist is a survivor from the first impact(which is women turned into mindless zombies)

She kept herself Hidden in her apartment for three months, waited for help.

but her hope is crumbled into dust after the water is disconnected.


Now she need a new shelter.





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:: Updates :: Download Demo

User Guide.gif

Full screen : F1

Force turn off the game : F4

Changes :

1.Now the game cause less stress to the graphic card.

Due to the optimization, [game stopped] problem is partly solved

2. Some guide landmark

3. Fast zombie's grab move changed bit

4. Gallery system fixed

5. Most of rock fall removed.

Oh yeah, by the way

updated his game couple weeks ago.

If you haven't visit his blog yet, why don't you go there and check out? :D

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:: New ver. of demo here :: Download Demo


User Guide.gif






fixes and Changes


1. zombie's instant attack (which is the main reason of frustration for player) got slower.

you can't run through while zombies use this attack, but this change will cause you can handle zombie MUCH easier


2. zombie's instant attack animation changed


3. Boss room Check point added.


4. Taking clothe item while preparing jump will not cause any problem :D


5. Grabbyplant's seduction lock duration became shorten.


I wonder you can feel that tho D:


6. Key bind for full screen and force turn off key is changed into

- Full screen : [Alt + enter] -> F1

- Force turn off the game : [Alt + F4] -> F4



7. Continue malfunction fixed

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