Gameplay Video Play Video
2015.11.14 10:12 Edit
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Wrapping up.... Developer Diary
2015.11.02 17:26 Edit
right now I'm wrapping the stuff up so I can release the game soon.
Currently Doing :
1. Censoring
2. Talking with curious factory
3. etc...
I hope I can publish my game before the end of Nov :3
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Leave Comments is currently on going 20% point reward event(OCT28 - Nov 4th) ETC
2015.10.30 07:28 Edit
If you are DLsite user, now is good time to buy good doujin product such as Manga/Voice drama/Games/Resources.
so why not try?
Kyrieru updated his Pixel drawing Tutorial :
2. Basic character/sprite shapes.
Always great stuff!
I found a awesome artist with great inspiration
dat dick pumping plant.... lol, cool concept
Damn, I should've visit his blog earlier. X3
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:: Demo Updates [ver. 0982] :: Download Demo
2015.10.11 08:55 Edit
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:: Demo Updates [ver. 0981] :: Developer Diary
2015.10.10 18:12 Edit
Change Log :
1. Female zombie now can hold 3 normal zombies
2. Female zombie now react to spore shooter
(Programmer said he DID add it. but well, he must be sleep typing while he was working on this version)
(anyway, I'm really sorry about missing contents, I'll fix this as soon as possible!)
3. cloth item causing BGM stop glitch fixed
4. Gamepad now support the analog stick
5. "UP"key is no longer in use for "use" item.
6. Now player can cancel the Reload action.
7. Easy mode became REALLY EASY
8. During Easy mode, Having H with female zombie will recover the protagonist's HP