Bug list (V2.0.0.2)バグリスト(V2.0.0.2) Developer Diary

1.Gold card Achievement unlocks wrong character's achievement ( 11 -> 15 15->11 11->12 12->13 13->14 14->15 )

1.ゴールドカードが間違っキャラクターの業績を解除するのバグ(11  - > 15 15  - > 11 11  - > 12 12  - > 13 13  - > 14 14  - > 15)


2. One gold card dead body is became invisible bug during gameplay bug

2. 1つのゴールドカードの死体がゲームプレイのバグの中に見えないバグになりました


3. [Don't play with fire while being controled] achievement sometime not working bug

3. [Don't play with fire while being controled]功績がいつかうまく動かないバグ


4. [Witness Fusion] Achievement can not be unlocked bug 

4. [Witness Fusion]功績はロック解除できないバグ


5. some minor bug on NA version 

5. NAバージョンに関するいくつかのマイナーなバグ



Following bugs will be fixed on next upcoming update (V2.0.0.3) 

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. 








Uncensoring patch for V2.00 : [Link]

Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]





Q: How to access V2.00 Area?

A: You must find 9 gold cards from Chapter 1/2/3/1.5/2.5/3.5



A:Chapter 1/2/3 / 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.5から9枚のゴールドカードを見つけなければなりません


Click this link to visit this blog!

Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略) 





Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it! 




[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]

You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!


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Anthophobia V2.00 is released on DLsite Developer Diary


Thank you so much for the waiting everyone!






Q: What about steam release?

A: ugh....I'm still working on it X_X;;







Uncensoring patch for V2.00 : [Link]

Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]


Click this link to visit this blog!

Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略) 





Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it! 




[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]

You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!


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Progress Chart 進捗状況チャート(July 31st 2019) Developer Diary


Total progress is about : 100.00%

総進捗状況は約 : 100.00%


Currently working on : bug hunting, Undergoing review 




Estimate DLsite release date : ~August 5th?

(Please keep in mind this is just "estimated" date. release may take some time based on DLsite's review progress.)


これは単に「推定」の日付である心に留めておいてください。 DLsiteのレビューの進捗状況によっては、リリースに時間がかかることがあります。



Q: I already bought V1.00/V1.50 from DLsite, Do I need to pay again?  

DLsiteですでにV1.00 / V1.50を購入していますが、再度支払う必要がありますか?

A: No, Just like V1.50 update, This is content update. not DLC. If you purchased V1.00 or V1.50, you will get this update as soon as DLsite upload it on their market

いいえ、V1.50アップデートと同様に、これはコンテンツアップデートです。 DLCではありません。 V1.00またはV1.50を購入した場合は、DLsiteが市場にアップロードするとすぐにこのアップデートが適用されます。


Q: I bought V1.00 from Kimochi long time ago! will I get this update? 

私はずっと前にKimochiからV1.00を買いました! このアップデートを入手できますか?

A: Yes, and I'm sending it now! just make sure it may take some time since I'm sending the mails all by my hand X_X;;

はい、今送っています。 私はすべて自分の手でメールを送っているので、しばらく時間がかかるかもしれません。X_X;;


Q: Will you release the game on steam?


A: I'm trying to release it on steam, but Releasing V2.00 is my main priority so releasing through steam will take bit more time



Uncensoring patch for V2.00 : [Link]

Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]


Click this link to visit this blog!

Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略) 





Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it! 




[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]

You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!


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Progress Chart 進捗状況チャート(July 14th 2019) Developer Diary


Total progress is about : 99.99%

総進捗状況は約 : 99.99%


Currently working on : Organizing data and bug hunting, Censoring for Japan market




Estimate DLsite release date : July 31st ~ August 5th

(Please keep in mind this is just "estimated" date. release may take some time based on DLsite's review progress.)


これは単に「推定」の日付である心に留めておいてください。 DLsiteのレビューの進捗状況によっては、リリースに時間がかかることがあります。



Q: I already bought V1.00/V1.50 from DLsite, Do I need to pay again?  

DLsiteですでにV1.00 / V1.50を購入していますが、再度支払う必要がありますか?

A: No, Just like V1.50 update, This is content update. not DLC. If you purchased V1.00 or V1.50, you will get this update as soon as DLsite upload it on their market

いいえ、V1.50アップデートと同様に、これはコンテンツアップデートです。 DLCではありません。 V1.00またはV1.50を購入した場合は、DLsiteが市場にアップロードするとすぐにこのアップデートが適用されます。


Q: I bought V1.00 from Kimochi long time ago! will I get this update? 

私はずっと前にKimochiからV1.00を買いました! このアップデートを入手できますか?

A: Yes, I still have your email address and you will get my mail :D just make sure it might take some time since I'm sending the mails all by my hand X_X;;


私はすべて自分の手でメールを送っているので、しばらく時間がかかるかもしれません。 X_X;;


Q: Will you release the game on steam?


A: I'm trying to release it on steam, but Releasing V2.00 is my main priority so releasing through steam will take bit more time




Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]


Click this link to visit this blog!

Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略) 





Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it! 




[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]

You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!


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Progress Chart 進捗状況チャート(April 30th 2019) Developer Diary


Total progress is about : 99%

総進捗状況は約 : 99%


Currently working on : last few H animation and ending scene




I'm so sorry for taking forever ;_; Currently I'm working on last H animation for final boss and ending scene.

長いことレシ本当に申し訳ありません。;_; 現在、私は最後のボスの最後のHアニメーションとエンディングシーンを制作中です。


here's thumbnail of amount of V2.00 update contents

V2.00 updateで追加されるエロドット画像の分量です。


H pixel animation. about 20 type of H animation will be added (this does not count pose change of protagonist H animation)





Game over illustration.



I'm so sorry for made you wait but please allow me little bit more time ;_; 



Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]


Click this link to visit this blog!

Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略) 





Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it! 




[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]

You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!



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