Hello yyz! Thank you for comment. This is very early version of Dungeon sanctuary project. Currently there's not much stuff you can interact with heroine because those functions are still in development. The main purpose of this build is combat testing. You can leave starting area by exiting to south then you can explore the north side of dungeon. There are at least 5 type of minion type monsters and one boss character you can fight in this version.
Currently there's not much stuff you can interact with heroine because those functions are still in development.
The main purpose of this build is combat testing.
You can leave starting area by exiting to south then you can explore the north side of dungeon.
There are at least 5 type of minion type monsters and one boss character you can fight in this version.
こんにちはyyzさん! コメントありがとうございます。 これは[Dungeon Sanctuary]の非常に初期のバージョンです。 ヒロインとの相互作用は、現在未完成の関係で、正常に動作しません。