GuestBook 227
thxim decide the other way :D
Hi there agian! It's me, l'm a guy who asking you before and this time i more nthing asking for you
1.about the donate goals if it reach 1,800(for a current time right now) full game v1.50 it's gonna be release right? still be can still keep donate utill reach you most highest donate? (7,200 US)
3.and after release i can still got a special accress about donater?
That all of thing i want asking you for now, thanks for read it! :3
Hello TH, here's my answer :
1. My Patreon donate goals are nothing more than I meter for the expand the project. such as better quality and more teammates
I will release the 1.50 even If I don't reach my first goal.
2. Yes, you can keep donate. but please be mind the Patreon goal is different than Kickstarter. Patreon goal is more like monthly profit for the creators. and the Kickstarter goal is more like goal for budget piggy bank.
3. If you meant the access to activity feed, yes As long as you keep your pledge, the patreon will let you access to creator activity feed.
but if you meant the single time reward such as "name on the ending credit" then no, you will have to join the campaign before the project ends.
I hope this answer was helpful, feel free to give me the questions. I'll answer them for you :D
Hi! I just wanted to say that your game is amazing, i like it a lot
but there is a problem with me i can't kill the monster on Chapter 2
i through him with Molotov and use gun with him at first he bleed but after he reveal himself he didn't hurt even with bullets :\
Can you help me, please ?
Make him step his own land mine, then He will remove his shield. then shoot his head! :D
Hello dudes
I'm sorry for my very bad english, but i really want say "Thanks" for your's hentai game. And i have a two questions about new version:
1) How about special gallery for a background hentai scenes? (End credits don't consider, ok?) Example, in a gold card gallery, when you clicked on a found card?
2) How about zombie x female zombie sex scene on a background? For a better atmosphere of this strange apocalypse, of course( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thank you for the comment! I'll give you the answer your suggestion!
1. Yeah, I got many request for that one, so on the v1.50, I'll decorate the background more hentaish XD
2. the reason there's not much female zombies during in-game, it's because the female zombies are rare
(you can find the audio log about military force wiped the female zombies)
LoL, i think female zombie look like male zombie, i. e. green, agressive enemy and don't be a kitty heal girl. All right, mistakes happens
Good luck for your job! I think new update don't disappoint me :)
hey! So uh, i got kind of impatient for an uncensored DL site version, so I bought the game twice! On Kimochi....I see whats going on and...Oh man, I really want that version update when it comes out, and REALLY want it to be uncensored. Don't know if I have it in me to buy the game a third time though.
If you purchased anthophobia through DLsite or kimochi, there's no need to worrying. You will get the updates through the DLsite once it ready to release.
Hey Jelly. I know you said you were talking to some Kimochi devs on the ULMF forums, but I was wondering if you have a backup way of distributing the 1.50 update to previous Kimo' buyers?
Yeah, I have a plan for that one.
I just need to ask to Kimochi dev if it's possible.
Hello, your work capture my attention when it is alike to Parasite CityI'll write detail of how I come across your game and my view for it. Sorry if my english is that bad.I was into this game because of Side Scrolling, Action and Pixel Art, because Pixel Art offer... "more" intense feeling to do something or enjoy than smooth animation for me.I enjoy playing Parasite City because I was into that "Fly" for Bestiality, Birth and Interspecies SexAlso Flying Princess -Inter Breed - capture me tooHere is how my story goes, and it will be incomplete due to workingIn 29/1/2016 Midnight, I was searching new hentai game in dlsite and came across this game when I did some Advanced Search*Poof* Removed as request! and you're right... is in my nature -_-a Thanks for understanding!30/1/2016 I play the game and learn how it goes, I kinda like it despite been not very mobile.My 1st play through was dark and hard to see ( later I discover if turning off Light Effect would make it better ), can't seem to choose the game window size because bigger = better and see lewd animation easierThe tutorial was no problem so far, but entering the door 1st without knowing you need a key, punish you if you didn't know you have to crawl in order to not alert the Screaming Plant
After tutorialCame across a Box that is moving, and what do you know, a cute infected cat girl, which I find it adorable and is FRIENDLY!! ( a big plus for friendly with yuri scene and animal ears <3 )I played around with her and did some test, is sad I can't save her once her bar is 0 and near the zombie, I really want her to come with me all the way ^_^The Yuri and Zombie Scene for her was awesome and what I enjoy the most, but too bad it doesn't have climax part with a loop back...
it would be very interesting and intense lewd ( my opinion for the neko girl )
I was done playing with the neko girl, then start researching who made this game and study their background. It was interesting to know is written in Japanese and English ( dun mind me, I wish to study japanese... so I'm jealous )I learn that Sourjelly and FJLM working on this project, I don't know if is 2 people or more, but I'm rather touch of how you aim to finish this game with 2 people and support from other people. ( if I'm wrong, slap me )Gameplay ( my 1st time review and is a NSFW game! )1: The reloading will take 3 secs which is a butt pain, but I find it good because it will punish the player for reloading near the enemy or unsafe spot or not prepare.2: I hate the plant that keep pulling me in when it's falling seed hit me ( kinda hard to dodge or avoid them with this control and movement while in range )3: Cannot save that infected Neko girl once she had sex ( NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO )*No climax with Neko Girl in yuri scene, maybe you're planning to add it in future?The game is 1.00V and I seriously enjoy this game, despite been hard or checkpoint is harsh. ( hard game makes me want to play it careful and right )I'm supporting this game, I saw Patreon and found a way to do so, but I had work plus my bank went dry, have to wait for pay day for now.I'm going to support this game with $60 dollar because I wish and love to see more from this game in it's final product!!... ( or $15 at times because of "Life" :( )Going to play this game and ignore losing on purpose... but the temptation of losing on purpose to see the animation... ( curiosity is dangerous! )Do your best and keep going!!
Also take good care of your health both of you :o
Whew... I had to use a notepad and paste it here because the page could kill itself... I had to do it all over again.. and Edit / Update for bad grammar
*Updated in 2016.01.31 09.42
Reason : No reply, might as well take the chance to remake my grammar mistake!
New Update
Gameplay4 ( NEW ): Before the check point of 1st boss, you could accidentally go to that checkpoint before getting the chance to move forward and checking what is ahead
* Don't know how many check point are there, and couldn't tell if checkpoint is marked or not, but didn't want to take the risk it after coming so far x_x
* Well... is not a complain, but rather I have the urge to explore everywhere before boss fight to find anything useful... though it would suck if I make it this far and have to start all over again and see that neko girl getting rape again...
1st Stage Boss: Stand one side and shoot non-stop while tanking his arm without a care ( worth it.png )
The only thing I hate most is boss hit box for his big hard is so... big x_x is easy to avoid if u stand in center and run as much as you could.
Nothing bad for this fight, I wonder what happen if you're out of ammo but I'll never get the chance plus playing it all over again can be a pain... well is hard plus DAM YOU CURIOSITY D: I might as well use Easy Mode just to see everything ( didn't touch Easy Mode yet )
I enjoy this game, trying to take down that Goblin was hard, but nothing wrong with it! Game is hard, worth the challenge!
Off to work, can't wait to play this game once I get back!
P.S. Will there be a mini game to play with the neko girl? She's just so dam adorable to me... Wanna pat her! and see her Pixel Art CG with other zombie also! * w*b
*Updated in 2016.01.31 10:04 )
Question ( NEW )1: Is it possible to be able to aim down? ( same as always )2: Is there a Pause button?! ( same as always )2: I don't dare to play this game Fullscreen because they might see me playing and can't Alt + Tab out ( no Pause Button and I end up been rape )... the size was good, but I want it little more bigger for me :3*Updated in 2016.01.31 23:59 -
Whoa Thank you for the detailed review! I'm glad you enjoyed it, by the way, if you don't mind would you please remove following part?
"I came across this game and decided to download this game instead of buying it ( please forgive me )"
I'm not blaming you or angry at you, but I'm worry about you. putting a word like "I illegal download your game" on the dev blog
will end up you get hurt by other people. and also being honest is good but sometimes being honest may end up hurt yourself as well.
anyway, Thank you for the review! currently I don't have any plan for minigame of neko girl, but I'll think about it! have a great day!
Time for you to remove it too, to avoid those trouble, I'm sincerely sorry for costing you trouble, I'll make up for it by supporting this game.
Back to topic
Finish playing the game, and it was... Frustrating ( keep reading! )
BUT!! you get to unlock "Something" in Extra ( no spoiling it for others ) and is REWARDING ( been looking for that "Something" to see it again )
This is how a horror action game should be, just like Parasite City, frustrated with 3 Stage the most... once you die... and redo!Stage 2
It was normal and annoying because there are so many of them, using your *Kick* spam to kill them one by one is hard, if you attract 2 zombie, I must fall back to whack them with a Pipe instead of kick with "Hit and Run" method.
After getting pass that "Something" that chase me, I kinda don't understand how it will jump out ( a map where there is no enemy ) while I was trying to hide and doing nothing while crawl position. I plan to research how that enemy works but... lazy (Uv U")a Nah! is too annoying to redo all over again just for a test D:<
Mid Point
Once I reach the check point... No Cloth and 4 ammo left with small HP bar which is enough for a game over, I played so careful and manage to get pass all the danger with kicking, hit and run. But the goblin will forever be my "hate" list and plant shooting it's seed ( - _-)/ U're pretty good
I kept going straight and I manage to get the neko girl safely to another box, but sadly... I cannot have 2... must be time paradox... but double yuri would be a dream come true *drooling* ^ q^
Boss ( Toughest battle because he has 2 form... felt like a Final Boss )
Overly prepared and ready to fight boss, this fight was the toughest, I can't avoid his "Melee and Tentacle" and "JOHN CENA JUMP".
Melee and Tentacle was easy to solve once you avoid his 1st punch then shoot his head before he throw it out ( not today son!... or big bro? )
"OUT OF NOWHERE Jump" was hard to dodge if you let down your guard and not keep moving forward... reloading was something i need tofocus and be prepare to shoot. That jump does TONS of damage... punishing but good work on this. (Y)
Stage 3 ( If I spoil too much, tell me to remove )
Hmmm... was hard to detail what to do in this, but take me 3 or 4 tries to know what to do and handle the situation right. Once you reach your
final defense... or rape defense... your 2 motor cocktails will be a key to stop them from reaching me, enter the lift with perfect health, but not in cloth because of tongue can destroy cloth one shot... and only pipe as defense... Manage to get to final boss without dying.Those zombie hanging was a sign of "check or get rape"... nice try :c but somehow monster appear out of nowhere once grab key...a surprise welcome rape party... how nice XD
Final boss
Not spoiling, but after few tries, it remind me of many game I play that has this nostalgia pattern, then I took it down with ease.Overall... Stage 2 Boss was a feeling of "final boss"... he's tough @_@ but I got no complain of Final boss because of how he looks and punishing if you don't play right.
Before I reach the area of End Game, I notice you can go out of a door and walk to the left, but I stop at the 1st door and turn back...Don't wanna... lose... my.. check...point... and ... fight... boss... again.... Q^Q
But this is good! You installed me the fear of restarting all over again and fight boss!
I like this game more than parasite city, because it has
1: Boss fight ( 2nd boss has no life bar or maybe my is old version... but it was hard to tell when he dies! )
2: Punishing enemy ( mainly goblin, flower that throw seed, and spider-man-part-zombie-part-plant? ) if no ammo... ( shooting and getting close for melee to save ammo became a habit but not goblin... but that habit can kill me if other zombie near them x_x )3: Make you rush your choice if you aren't prepare for enemy ahead or behind doors... ( very good and well done... but painful to fight it though )
4: It has friendly unit to tag along and be a "use"... so you kinda don't feel alone and the only yuri scene ( seriously satisfying scene <3 +9001! )5: I can jump over enemy if things get nuts while out of ammo... sometime I can't and gangbang...
I won't lie, I totally enjoy this, even with this frustrating feeling.
It's not a horror game ( for me ) if it doesn't frustrate you, make you scare because of "Am I in a checkpoint yet?"
Love this work, I can't wait for this game final product, because maybe I could see nicer pixel art just like this person ( which I love his/her game too but sadly... can't show support... or maybe language barrier.. )
I could feel effort and many more from this game while is in progress. I look forward to it's final product.
Keep up the good work, I totally recommend this game to people ( haha... how? ) that like/love Parasite City or Pixel Art Game.I have stuff to do, can't wait to support this once my pay is here... and test it to find flaws and improvement part if mention.
Sorry if I write this too long, or I'm talkative / typeative. Don't want to give you anything negative or bad feeling that might affect this work I love, I'm apologizing to show that I'm sincerely positive and happy with this work.
From your fan
Kai or KazeSennin -
Thank you for the review.
First of all, You can't aim down. and you don't need since you can shoot most of monsters by sitting. if there's any exception is acrobatic zombie and blowgun flower.
Second, there is pause button. "P" Key.
last of all, I'm sorry the programmer only made two mode. original size and full screen :P
Hi! I just wanted to say that your game is amazing, not only because of the explicit content but also because its gameplay is really good!
Keep it up! ;)
P.S. I only hope that one of your future games will be another horror action adventure with a male protagonist vs zombie girls ♥
Thank you very much! and I think the next update will satisfy you XD
oi, i bought the game on dl site and i notice some people are asking to remove the censors. i dont know how to program so i dont know if what im
suggesting is impossible or not, but, another content creator that uses dl site, grimhelm made it so that all the games data and files were stored in
visible folders. to uncensor his game dark star, all you had to do was download appdata that he provided on his site which had the uncensored
sprites, then just copy and paste that folder into the games folder, you'd then be prompted to replace the existing folder, essentially treating it like a mod of sorts. perhaps that could work by making the app data visible?
About that, I've already searched and tried, but unfortunately The GMS, unlike Old GM engine, GMS seal up the all files in single package file at the end of the packaging process no matter what method I choose. @_@a that's the main problem.
Hi there! I seen your Work on ULMF it's gonna be looking good,but i got little question about support on patreon? i can still obtian special rewad(pledge) for support for now? Cuz l'm not sure in patreon a thing about pledge:If you pledged your FIRST pledge AFTER OCT 31st 2015(<---this thing?) will receive your (Name credit, ID) reward at Ver. 1.50 update
and i dosen't have money support for you much for about 15$/per month if pay for 15$ access for one time and change to be 5$/per month i can still
get 15$ access for that while i change to 5$? After i piad?
2.If game has done and complete u will send game to my E-maill accout right?
3.i need to regiester patreon to support you?
And that all of my qustion thanks for reading,and keep makeing your good game XD
(P.S:l'm not good at ENG cuz l'm thailand and that why l'm not good much plaese need understand some time,about my commant make you little confuse about garmma)
1. That's what you get If you want to put your name on the Ending credit and citizen ID card, if you register now, your ID card will be listed in game once the Ver. 1.50 is out.
If you change your $15/a month pledge to $5/a month, you will lose the access to get newest WIP version, but still you will get the full version of the game and future update, and you will get the ID card as well.
2. Yes!
3. Yes, you need to register to do patreon in order to support me through the patreon.
but if you don't like to register the patreon, you can also buy the game through the kimochi/DLsite and that will help me as well! :D
Thank you for the question. if you have more question, feel free to ask me! :D
Hello! I just bought your game on dlsite! I love it but I didn't realize dlsite has censors... Do I have to buy it again to remove the censor bars? thanks!
Hello, Thank you for the purchase :)
Currently I'm still looking for the solution for this mosaic issue,
but I still couldn't found any good solution so far.
I'm really sorry....X_X;
Cheer up! ' Let me will always wait!
Thank you! Thank you! >_<)/ <3<3<3!!!
Second from the perspective of BOSS suck ah third BOSS feel JJ is too small.The big soldier put women get Haohen you want the BOSS to be like the same.
感谢您的审查!Thank you for the review! :D
yo, i'am a Brazilian, so my english i'ts not very good, i played the game and think that it is one of fewer h games that i enjoyed play the not for the h scenes, but for the game itself. keep the good job XD.