GuestBook 227
to be honest i'm addicted to the game, unique stage and difficultly, this is the only game that i enjoy so far along with parasite in city, gotta say the reload animation look good, the strip healing etc, and this 2.0 ver is beyond my expectation gotta say i love the dev of this game :D but i remember last time i suggest you should put more outfit, weapon. You said that there will be a weapon that can be used on ver 2.0 but so far i didn't find it :< or is it the missle when fight the titan? sorry for my english xd love u dev
Hello Random dude, I'm glad you enjoyed Anthophobia V2.00. the new weapon I referred was gatling gun at chapter 5 XD
你好! 如果您使用“Crocus”作弊,可以通过按“Page up”键来增加HP。
I have some CG can't be opened
such as 2 picture of page 3 , 7 and 11 picture of page 2
May you tell me ? (my English is not so good sorry~~)
Okay, here's hint :
Page 3
#2 = Fail on FPS mode on Chapter 5
page 2
#11 = At chapter 4, follow the couple all the way til end
#7 = Lose against wall monster at Chapter 4 :D
At what stage can I get Golden Card 6 and 8?
I already spend an hour just to redoing all the stage but still can't find Golden Card 6
The only Golden Card I found is 1 at stage 1, 1 at stage 1/2, 2 at stage 2, 1 at stage 2.5, 2 at stage 3, 1 at stage 3.5. I missing 1 Golden Card
Both Gold card 6 and 8 are at chapter 2.5
Hint :
1. Gold card is always near the agent's dead body
2. Above
How to unlock chapter 3 1/2?
1. Find two gold card that can be found from Chapter 3
2. Turn the generator on.
3. Don't go to boss room area
4. Find Gold card reader somewhere in chapter 3 area -
How do I get the first achievement in the page 3?
There's a monster that can merge into one new monster.
Try find it. It's on Chapter 4 :D
The monsters are ceiling licker and floor root? I have combined them a lot of times...
Have something special condition?
you must see them while they start transform. In other words, you must look at them from very beginning.
I still can't get this achievement. I make the video to show what I do when I try to get this achievement.
I'm so sorry! That's bug 100%, I'll fix it as soon as possible! X_X;;;
没问题 :D
第二頁第9 11張跟第三頁第2 3 5張
我的语言缺乏经验,我正在从翻译中获得帮助。 如果我听起来很奇怪或粗鲁,我会事先道歉。抱歉。2 Page 9至11提示:1.在第4章击败老板并跟随大兔子。2.在目睹了大兔子的遭遇之后,回到老板打架的房间3.花点时间观察哭泣的老板。4.跟随两个人。3 Page 3至5提示:1.第5章FPS你在战斗中被击败了吗?2.在V2.00的第5章中找到所有五张金卡,在第5章打开锁着的门并检查熊娃娃。3.在[boss trial mode]中击败所有老板一次。 难度无关紧要。
您正在寻找哪个#CG? 我会帮你!
Hey man, just wanted to say your game is awesome and please keep working on it, or make more stuff like this in the future, thanks.
Thank you so much MithoThoup! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D
hmmm, I have no idea how to get to the new stages from 2.0. Any advice? I'd prefer a straight up answer, but you're welcome to be vague if you're feeling the need to be.
Hello UnknownPlunger, Thank you for the visit!
You can access to V2.00 area once you collect 9 gold cards(5 from Chapter 1/2/3, 4 From Chapter 1.5/2.5/3.5)
If you think you can't find one, I would recommend you to visit ULMF for cheatcode ;D
Could you put something when finished the game the player could unlock anything like outfit, weapons etc? So far i love the game and replay it dozen time, still not boring tho :D
Hello Some guy, Thank you for the comment! I wish I can add outfit or weapon, but game is built in single outfit and weapon. X_X
but I tried added another weapons on V2.00 on certain stage. I hope you enjoy it once it release :p