GuestBook 227
Is there a guide for this game that I can read through? lots of tips being missed such as:
The catgirl's lust meter
You heal faster of Kitty zombie in normal mode than ez mode ( I don't understand why its ez mode then)
Is there any way to release catgirl after she is caught
Actually you get healing speed is same on both difficulty.
I would recommend to use Strip function(S key) to heal yourself than using kitty girl since it striping heals you and you don't lose all your clothing ;DUse kitty when you don't have clothing on you.
Also You can't release cat girl who having fun with other zombies since that's her decision and she would cry if you use force to separate her from them ;D -
how too get the 3 last stage i can't play it but i kill the third boss
If you meant the hidden stages, you must find gold card to open locked door that spreads on various stages :D
Can you please make android games?
Oh, I'm really sorry to say this, but I tried before, unfortunately android does not support some of code lines that I use in GMS engine... ),:
when is 2.00 releasing?
I wish I can tell you the detailed date, but I'm sorry.
Making progress is based on how things goes well, so I can't predict know how long it'll take X_X;;
I still can't find the gold cards for level 2 and 3...( ̄□ ̄;)
Any plans to put a walkthrough page on this site in the future? ┐('~`;)┌
I'll make the gold card guide scene shot after release V2.00, but right now all I can do is give you the hints ;P
First gold card on
Stage 2 first card : right near the starting point. you should check "above"
Stage 2 second card : Near the quarantine area. Don't kick blow gun flower monster. step on it ;P. you should back track little bit
Stage 3 first : It's in the lab, where you can find a girl inside the tube.
Stage 3 Second : you should find a key first, then go back where you can find the deadbody of blond lady.
Just bought the game and liking it so far. Just a few suggestions, for gameplay mostly.1. Walk backwards. Use ALT as a toggle to lock the player in one direction.2. Use CTRL as the sneak button. Then have the down key as aiming downwards with the gun or the light.3. PLEASE don't use the up key for going in doors! Sometimes I accidentally go in doors when I have to aim upwards.4. Maybe use the WASD control scheme so we can just use one hand for .... things. *wink wink*I hope you consider it in ver 2.0.
The controls are rebindable through the options menu in the 'control settings' submenu.
Hello Ignun, thank you for the feedback.
#1 and #2 is impossible to apply on current game since the game was purposely built that way.
and #3 was applied based on early feedback, so I'm not sure If I have to remove it or not X_X;;
and regarding #4, you can change the key binding in option tab.
I'm really sorry that I couldn't provide you the right answer, but so far this is my best I can give do X_X;;
Hello again, and thank you for your great work! I'm still lost on how to get to chapter 4, 5 &6. Could you tell me how to unlock them?
First, you need to find the gold card that matches for each stage. For example, you need find Erica brynn's gold card for unlock Chapter 4,
After you find this card, find a key at Stage 1-3 where you can find a long hallway before the boss fight.
then Don't enter the elevator, ignore the elevator and walk right side : open the storage with the key that you found from hallway.
then use Goldcard on card reader.
Now you are at stage 1.5 :D
I stumbled across this pretty recently on DLsite and it was easily the best $13 I've spent in a long time. Just wanted to pay some respect for what I'd
consider a masterwork. On an unrelated note, I got to what I assume is the end, but I still see 3 locks in the chapter select menu. Did I miss something?
Hello Trashman, Thank you so much for the purchase! If you still have 3 locks in the chapter select menu, that mean you still have three more stages that hidden in game.
Which is include new type of female zombie, new monsters, new story, and new bosses :D!
Can I have link to animation gallery? Video of the animations is unavailable to me.
I'm sorry I kinda don't understand what you meant X_X;;;
If you meant the H replay room, you need to defeat all 6 bosses.
Hello, I am interested in your game "Anthophobia". I really want to buy it, but as I know, there is no way to get in DL-site in my country. If you don't mind my asking, Can I pay with my Paypal account? Here is my line id : "Tavor". I hope that it can be possible :3
Thank you for the contact! I have a plan to release the game through the and
I'm pretty sure you will able to get this game through there!
Sourjelly:3大大 小弟聽聞網友說您這有提供無修版 但是要有正版購買證明 小弟是透過dlsite網買您的遊戲 所以想跟您請問要如何ˋ證明購買證據 並跟您換取無修正版 還有可能要請您用GOOGLD翻譯了!!
如果您從DLsite購買遊戲,請訪問此頁面:單擊[下載文件]並保存,然後將此文件保存在以下文件夾中:c:/ users / 用戶名 / appdata(隱藏文件夾)/ Anthophobia
Wow!The 1.50 version of the gallery illustration is very awesome !! But ...It's too small....If you do not mind,Can I replace it with high-definition illustration?
I'm sorry I only have 640*480 resolution illustration right now. T_T;
i... see....TT
10/10 would accidentally cum in pants again
Thank you XD!!
Hey, I noticed english is not your first language. I am an english major and I wouldn't mind cleaning things up for you (it will make your product look a bit more professional) for a discount on the finished product. Huge fan of the demo, you do great work, let me know if you are interested.
Hello anon, Nice to meet you! I'm really appreciate for your offer, but I'm afraid I have to refuse. Currently I don't have enough budget to solve grammatical problems. I'm really sorry ),: