GuestBook 227
Thank you very much! :D <3<3<3
How do you do, I am Shinobu.
English is not very good at.So my English might be strange.
I am a game developer of Japanese.
My website:
My game:
I terribly enjoyed your game.
Your game is very wonderful.
Could you link with my website?
I have linked to your blog.
Banner for my website.
Banner tag for my website.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Craftsman of hentai games" width="200" height="40" border="0" /></a>
Then, my best regards. -
Sure! Nice to meet you!
Thank you for the note! and I'm glad you enjoyed my game!
and I Played your game too! it was fun! >_<!
这样啊~ 看来 我的是试玩版~
I'm glad I was helpful :D
Hello there
what a great H-Game !
reminds me of Parasite in City :D
i got one question:
When u release the Full game, will it be free ?
Thanks for making such a great game
I can't give you the specific release date but I'm aiming for the end of the October ~ beginning of the November.
I'm going to sell it on DLsite :D
作者 第一关的bug怎么办 过不了关啊
对不起。I'm sorry.既然不能读中国话,我挺不理解你的意思。Since I can not read the Chinese word, I quite don't understand what you meant.但如果你是玩[演示版],Demo版只有具有[阶段1]。but If you are playing the [Demo version], Demo version only has [Stage 1].
I wanted to tell you great job on the game and I can't wait to see it finished. =D
Now I want to apologize that I won't be able to pay my usual $60 this month so again sorry. =(
Everything should be back to normal by next month so keep up the awesome work Jelly! -
Thank you very much Atticus Leingod! and you don't need to apologize, your help made me and this project through to this far.
Thank you as always. by the way, could you check your Patreon message box? I have a question about gold card reward. :D
Hey, can you add some videos? I really want to see some gameplay from the WIP content.
Okay! I'll upload the play video as soon as it's ready. :D
Yes, I use patreon for the first time.
In Citizen ID card,Koji tadokoro is FEMALE!(But I'm not.)
市民IDカード上では、koji tadokoroは「女性」です!(私は違います。)
とりました, どうもありがとうございました! :D
Got it, Thank you very much! :D
First of all, I apologize to you.
I used Paypal, so I can't sent money to you.
I changed to VISA card just now,so Please comfirm to collect to send money.
I'm very sorry.
After that, Please use the same name on the ending credit.
Don't worry. Do you mind if I ask, Is this your first time to try Patreon?
Patreon will automatically collect the money from you on every first week of the month.したがって、今回の月に加入した場合は、来月第1週に集金が開始されます。
So in your case, you will be charged on the first week of the next month. -
Thank you so much!Your Japanese are very awesome!
Citizen ID card data
Koji Tadokoro
810 coat st Shimokitazawa town FA 14514
とりました, どうもありがとうございました!
Got it, Thank you very much!
もう一つ質問があります, エンディングクレジットで同じ名前を使用しますか?
I have one more question, Do you want use the same name on the ending credit?
And Thank you, I'm still studying Japanese. I need study more >_<;
I'm still rely on the translator more than half. -
(I am Japanese and terrible English sorry...)
I'm Patron yesterday and send $15 per month.
Citizen ID card content messege is imput here OK?
Sure! Please let me know if you have any questions!
市民ID cardを作るための必要な情報
Requirement for the citizen ID card
1. 英語と発音名または英語名。
The English pronounced name or English name.
Virtual home address(You can not put the real address. It might cause someone in trouble. include me)
例: 7869 Garden st Shining town FA 07689
詳細情報 :Detailed information :
greenwood (家の前を横切る道の名前) st(街路)
Shining town (都市名)
FA (州名。しかし、この市民IDがこの州から作られているので、あなたはそれを変更することはできません。)
07689(郵便番号, 5桁の数字)
If you are in trouble to name it, just let me know! I will help you!
I was fascinated with your style of the game,also the monster design was pretty interesting,and those details are very delicate too~please keep moving forward to it~!<3 (more H scene XD!
Thank you very much! I will work hard to prove your support!
Visit here, and click the download! :D
I was played in demo version sure, man, I will play to full game and will support your next work ^•^
Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it, I'll keep upload the development progress and news on patreon and this blog! again, thank you for your support!
It might be easier to talk over Email. Here's mine: [email protected]
Now, The writing structure of Japanese and Korean are quite similar. And because of that, They both have similar problems when
being translated to English. One of the main problems being that the way it's written and worded is different from English.
For example. If we're talking about an unspecified Company B. The Japanese way of writing it would be: B社
After English translation. It would say: "B Company"
However, With proper English grammar, It would be worded like this: "Company B"
That right there, Is the main problem that most people who speak Japanese, or Korean. Have when trying to use proper grammar in English.
Another example of Word placement.
English Translation without Proper wording: "Company A, Due to a fatal bug, recalled the product immediately after launching sales."
English Translation with Proper wording: "Due to a critical bug, Company A recalled the product immediately after launching sales."
There's not much words going to be in this game@_@;
but I'll send you the dialogue once I finish them.
Hey. I've been watching the development for Anthophobia, And playing the demo's.
And i gotta say, It's coming along great so far
I was wondering if you would possibly be interested in an English Translator.
I wouldn't be asking for any Money or anything like that. Just something nice that i would like to do.
And i also think that people fluent in English, Who're playing the game would appreciate it.