GuestBook 227
Well, that's good news ^^. I thought that given I had bought the game on a japanase site (dlsite/eng) I wouldn't be able to get the uncensored version. I guess the patch will be available via your website... Thanks a lot for your answer. Cannot wait to play the updated version ^^
Hey there, dear dev,
I bought your game out of curiosity a few months ago on DLsite and I must admit that it is by far one of my best experiences on a "H-game". Your game is a good game before being a good H-game : the gameplay and mechanics are very well shaped, the animation is smooth and the atmosphere reminds me of some of my favorites survival horror games (silent hill, biohazard, lone survivor) .
One little thing bugs me : the censorship ^^. Is there a way to lay hands on an uncensored version once the update is out ?
Keep up the good work on your great game.
Hello Mika! the reason V1.00 don't have uncensoring patch is because the game wasn't built for uncensoring patch. so I had to build V1.50 from very beginning to make the patch possible. so You will be able to get uncensor patch on V1.50 :D
excuse me, who is the new version painter? can i have his pixiv?
Hi Cordelia, He used to have a pixiv account, but about two years ago, he removed most of his creations from internet to close his career due to the real life problem.
I convinced him, and brought him back to this industry but so far- as far as I know, he don't have his pixiv account.
How about make the alternate-bad ending? Example, if you don't found secret levels. And in this ending monsters gets heroine in green hands.
No need to rush! XD The protagonist of Anthophobia 2 will be the protagonist from Anthophobia 1 so. I can't make bad ending tho :P
Hey, I saw a post about how to activate a cheat using the 1 on my number pad and stuff, any hints? :"D
Okay, here's the hint ! if you have numbpad, tri the one below, and if you don't have numb pad, tri the one above!
If you made your cheat code successfully, you will hear the bell ringing sound :D
by the way "cheatcode" is not the right word >:3
Hey sourjelly, I bought the game during its time on Kimochi, and I remember that you sent an e-mail to everyone for future updates, I seem to have deleted that e-mail, any suggestions? I really just want to get the uncensored version of the game once 1.5 comes out.
Don't worry, as long as I have your email address on my list, I can send you the new mail anytime I want. :D
By the way, do you have any other plans after releasing the full version?
For example, to make some new games which have dynamic HCGs.
Currently I have one more update plan after this V1.50, then I'll step forward to Anthophobia 2 :D
The new version 1.50 is really nice! I can't wait to get the full version!
Could you please tell me when the full version will be released?
I'm aiming the release date around Jan ~ Feb 2017 @_@;;;a
How long waiting for a full version? And what news about update progress?
Hi, I'm really sorry for made you wait ;_;)
I'll upload the progress report on next Monday! Thank you! :D
Hello, I was a patreon of your game before, but due to some personal reason, I stopped my pledge, can I still have the uncensored version of the game, and I wonder if I can also have the update version of the product also.Well received, thank you very much.
Hello StrayNeko! Please check your mailbox that used for sign up the patreon!
the mail title is [Not SPAM][IMPORTANT] Download link of Anthophobia
If you couldn't find my mail, please check your spam box as well!
How to register for the blog?
Hi, and I'm sorry, this website does not provide the blog. X_X;;
New arts are awesome, new animations are cool!
Backrounds scenes gallery will be in full version?
And yea, I waiting for full version. Good luck!
Thank you for very much! Pixel gallery will be on full version!
With background H scenes gallery? (This is a main question)
Heyo~ Are gold cards still available? And at what cost?
Hi Chobittsu, I'm really sorry to say this but Gold card is not available right now. X_X;;
Hi! Got to know you by the demo ver. of the game. Really looking out for the next update!
So I was curious, how can I patronize you? And next, if you've completed the update, how will the updated version be distributed?
If possible, plz contact me by my e-mail will ya?
Hello Lazy bear, there are two possible way to support me if you want to support.
First one is make an account on the patreon, and support me through the patreon system.
and the other way to support me just simply buy the game through the DLsite and write a review on the DLsite :D
I hope this answer was helpful. please feel free to ask me if you have further questions!
hi, im your group and anthophobia pan..
lately im worry about anthophobia1.5V.. i was played this game to torrent.. (really sorry about that..)
but im sure want to buy anthophobia1.5V, how can i buy it?
DLitle is lock to my country.. korea (yeah.. this country's law is too strictly to distribution H-contents market..) -
Hi IV, thank you for the visit.
There are two possible way to purchase the Anthophobia right now, and they both required credit card.
First one is use the VPN to avoid the block and buy the game through the DLsite.
and the other way is join my Patreon campaign for $10 reward pledge per a month, then leave the campaign right after the transaction made.
I would recommend you to use the patreon since it's most easiest way to purchase the game.