You can now play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground Developer Diary
2016.12.22 11:36 Edit
Anthophobia v1.50デモがインターネットブラウザで動作するようになりました
Finally, I managed to export the Anthophobia to HTML5 form, now we can play the Anthophobia demo without download the file!
Anthophobia v1.50 demoをHTML5形式で抽出しました。これからファイルをダウンロードせずにAnthophobiaデモをプレイすることができます。
[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]
Also, here's the Development progress :
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Hi, I kinda don't understand what you meant, but if you meant exchange rate there's nothing I can do. I'm really sorry ),:
also You can support the patreon $10 for get the full version of v1.00, then wait until the full version of v1.50 release. $15 tier reward is only for WIP build. and you will have to stay in that tier in order to get newest version of WIP on every month.
I would recommend you the $10 tier if you want to support me single time. You will get the v1.50 when it's ready to release.