We're sorry took so long. And here's the Anthophobia Beta ver. Download Demo
2014.12.08 16:27 Edit
Here's Download Link
Known glitch :
1. Alt + tab makes character won't recover stamina. so I would recommend not to use Alt+tab.
-(Partly fixed, will be added on next ver.)
2. Sometime monster won't die and repeat "damaged" motion
-(Fixed? but still need test. will be added on next ver.)
3. Some monster H anime don't make H voice!!
- because I didn't put it yet D: sorry.
4. Taking clothe while prepare jump cause infinite squat motion and stuck forever.
-(Fixed, will be added on next ver.)
5. Boss room check point
-(Well, it's not a glitch but I will add check point anyway)
6.Boss monster's 2nd minion won't make damage on heroin
7. Seeds Animation overlapping?
-Never had this problem so we are keep testing out right now
8. Continue malfunction
-FJLM : Da Flappy bird sake why didn't you tell me about it?!
-Jelly : I didn't know D:
-FJLM : !$)(@#@!()@!(#()U$ anyway, I'm gonna fix it!
How long?
Stage 1 -> boss
Key setting
Z - Attack
X - Jump
C - Toggle Melee/Handgun
D - Force reload
G - Molotov
Shift - Run
Enjoy :)
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- Trackback URL
- https://www.sourjelly.com/anthophobia/7396/4f7/trackback
Comments 26
Jesus why would you not put a save just before the boss, it is NOT fun having to fight through that horde EVERY TIME. Should also drop a piece of clothing just after the drop from the first lantern because if you arrive at that point naked, it's impossible to finish when you have to enter the room with that plant monster directly next to the door. An indicator of arriving at a checkpoint and a few more checkpoints, also an indicator that you shoot the lamps as it's not obvious they're destructible. An actual save at the last boss will also make me not ragequit.
I'm sorry about difficulty you had ): We are still balancing this game.
then, about this ver. of demo, let me give you tips to make game much easier.
1. it's not necessary to kill every single of monsters. they don't give you items or points.
2. Two bullets to kill normal zombies are waste of bullets.
3. Swapping weapons can be really helpful.
4. Oil lamp burns, red barrel go boom.
5. Do not leave your magazine empty when you move to other room
Too slow on my pc :(