Demo update [ver. 0937] Download Demo
2015.08.16 11:49 Edit
Change log :
1. Now Public demo has test version of the female zombie.
2. Gamepad support(Xbox360, PS3)
3. Glowstick added to control the female zombie.
4. More joke monsters for fun
5. Though the door without a key glitch fixed
6. Pause added
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Comments 46
Very nice! The Female Zombie is a nice addition but I'm wondering about how to make her 'take care' of a Male Zombie and wondering what her little meter means too. It seems she can only take care of the standard Zombie? Also I like the nice little surprise Female Zombie gives the Heroine, wasn't expecting that! I'm going to have to do another play through to test it a little more but good work! Thank you for adding controller support too!
Rlly like the new female zombie and overall update to the first level. I finally get some stable income and I can support you and your work. The controller support was an awesome addition too. I prefer to play platformer with a gamepad. The stick is more smooth than the bottons~! 8D
It's nice that the female zombie obeys/follows you a little until she gets to "excited" to hold back. I don't know what's planed for the future in interactions with f-zombie types but I thought it would be nice if the player had the choice to further give in to the rebellion of the f-zombie. I mean I can understand the poor f-zombie traped in that box. Must have been hard so why not give her a little extra present than freedom. And maybe you lose some health but for that she can take care of some stronger/mutated forms of m-zombies? Just an Idea~. ^^' (But please let the protagonist/heroine have some more fun with these poor soulmates!) -
yeah girl zombie! only one though. I think the AI of the female zombie is very bad, only sometime she will go after the male zombie after I throw the stick, and single use only? its kind worth less. Also thank you for buffing the pistol, but I think reload speed need some love too for boss fight. And lastly, the only way to get out of rapy situation is to use D-pad( xbox 360 controller) Can you make it so I can use my stick to shake it off? Thanks:)
Idk u but i love unconscious sex very much. I'd want to add more animations like taunting plant's game over with unconscious, awesome! And just asking, do you planning to improve game over CG's ? They seemed so rough draft to me. Anyways keep it up I liked your game so much and I should tell this is my first comment ever to a hentai game creator ^^
I got it. Just somethings bothering me. The deteails are awesome in general but at the girl's body, this is more than it should be. Bone and muscle details shouldn't be in together, this shows her old. Btw I liked penalties like reloading and stamina. More of them wouldn't be bad like falling or fatigue after climax. Ah, I hope i didn't be rude with giving suggestions like that ^^'
The illustrations will be like that in the demo, or will have this new style?
I think in his new style is a por better!
Youre planning in add voice to the female zombie? Shei is so awesome, i really love her! And i will love more with the new Animations! -
Hey, great game so far, played the last versions with with a breeze of fun. Though I'm having technical difficulties with this version. Upon opening the exe I get a white screen, only the menu music is playing and my computer becomes unresponsive. Do you have any idea what's causing this and how I might fix it?
like ur demo. only issue found. i dunno if it should be so, but u can shoot enemies through closed door if u come close enough, but not too close to open it. still last part before boss battle is kinda too challenging for me, so i just outrun most of enemies to get checkpoint, so having some door cheating is not a big deal after all. gj with light - my fav part of game, it makes some atmosphere... soul may be. but it's not creepy game as for me anyway. may be because of sound
wow,what a good game
i dun play a game so good after parasite of city
but i hope you make more animation
did you play the parasite of city?
in the 1st stage,the girl get different animation with different state under attack(for example,attack by the fly)
but it's a big object,will take much time to paint it,so it's just a suggestion
my english is cheap,dun care plz(lol)
--- Looks like the demo link in this post is for version 8.14!