Progress Chart 進捗状況チャート(September 20th 2018) Developer Diary
2018.09.20 09:48 Edit
Total progress is about : 82%
総進捗状況は約 : 82%
Currently working on : 7th stage Event scene, Stage 8 Area
Introducing new Artist joined Anthophobia project :
Anthophobia projectに参加した新しいアーティストを紹介します:
Please allow me introduce a new artist joined Anthophobia project!
Jotti draws beautiful characters :D I'm pretty sure everyone would love his works!
This is Jotti's Twitter account.
If you want to know more about Jotti, You can visit Jotti's pixiv and check his works too!
Click this banner for visit Jotti's pixiv!
Uncensoring patch for V1.50 : [Link]
Anthophobia V1.50 (攻略)
Those of you who didn't tried the demo for V1.50, try it! :D
[Click this link to play Anthophobia v1.50 Demo on Newground]
You can also play the V1.50 Demo on Newground without download the file!
ゲームをダウンロードしなくても、このサイトでプレイを試みることができます! :D
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Comments 36
this is a comment to all who read to seek knowledge BUT
Did you know that bears have 42 teeth? or
did you know that 11% of people are left handed? i have more to share BUT my time has come to leave this world in search of a new world to educate so with that i leave you with my legacy, may it guide you to success............................ARA-KA-ZIM!! (vanished) -
Not a fan of the new artist frankly :| Boobs are way too much on the massive side and their art style looks kind of... mediocre to be honest? Sorry, but I can't seem to find anything positive to say about the new artist choice :|
For your game's update itself however I am hyped. Love the game and can't wait to see more! -
Well this is kinda sad news But, probably He got some reasonable reason to quit :)
Even though Fenrir won't participate this game anymore, I believe you can still product this masterpiece project with new artist.
I've been seeing you working very hardly and keep posting your progress. And, as a one of your fans I know you have a crush on this game.
So....You know what I mean lol. I'm counting on you.
edit: where is the oct update???